Saturday, May 13, 2017

Show #261

Hello Friends of the Garden,

A beautiful look from the
vacation rental in Lake Tahoe
This is a treat! I'm writing from the deck of beautiful cabin/chalet in Lake Tahoe! It's also the second weekend in a row of Bachelor Party partying! This group of revelers are considerably younger than the group from the previous week. It's clear that they have not yet set acceptable standards of what the human body can endure. As the senior member of the group I find it important to let these fellas learn first hand the limitations of overindulgence!

Apparently a beer that the entire modern
world knows about! Just not me!
I am honored to be a part of the group as there is quite a bit of difference in our ages! I guess a natural concern for me is being out of place. These guys are a fun bunch of guys to be around and they have always been kind about not dwelling on our differences as much as I do. It definitely is fun for me to witness the folly of youth however. These guys still go at it with a great deal of energy and as a consequence suffer from that choice knowingly.

Beer was at the middle of an
elaborate plan to pull friends
together! I imagine that
happens all over the world!
It's funny how I think of myself above the juvenile antics of my young buddies. I know that the real truth is that I am every bit as susceptible to the enthusiasm that comes with inexperience. I can't help but think about that Little Feat song called "Old Folks Boogie", it has a great line that goes like this, "Old folks boogie, boogie they will, when your mind make a promise that your body can't fill". Hell, at this point I'm honored to be thought of as being potentially capable of running with the ponies!

The kicker for this party is the location. Last week it was jamming with my old friends (and many of the guys I'm hanging with this weekend were there too) in my backyard. This time it's a weekend in Lake Tahoe, one the most beautiful places I've ever been! The vacation rental my buddies set up is fantastic, with an amazing filtered view of the lake through the trees.

Pliny the Elder can be purchased
here at 2000 Town Center Plaza,
West Sacramento. This place was
like a museum of food and culture
with 12 feet of beans!
Truth be told, it wouldn't matter to me where this gathering takes place! In this particular case I understand the "place" is an indefinite and unspecific in my mind (and heart). Being with friends is a place that needs no address, it could be a backyard, a chalet in Tahoe, a garage, wherever! The real treasure is in the acceptance and desire of your friends wanting you to be there for the memory and being thought of as a piece that makes the entire experience more complete!

It's a nice feeling when you get the notion that an event is less fun with your absence. Being wanted makes me feel valued. Don't misconstrue this as pure vanity. The reason I recognize this comes from being on the other side of the whole thing. Lots of times I have felt like concerts, parties and similar gatherings have not been as satisfying as they could have been due to missing your friends not being in attendance.

Go figure Widespread Panic!
I'm glad I'm here! I'm glad to be hanging with the guys in spite of our differences in age! Identifying our differences is counterproductive and only provides more reasons to opt out. What is much more satisfying is identifying our points of connection. I believe I am learning about all the different ways harmony exists in the world. These "young" guys have as much to teach me as any elderly wise person! I'm still not gonna get sucked in to shooters at 4:00 AM! That lesson has already been mastered and not to be deviated from!

On to Show #261! First off, I felt the rush of putting it together. I knew I would be recording the show and I knew I had other obligations to attend to. I had a request to handle but other than that I pretty much wanted to do a typical show. I realized I had know idea what that was! I just decided to do what I do, whatever that is! There's some "Gardenerisms" in there, some great female artists and my favorite is at the start of the second hour with three bluegrass versions of rock and roll songs! I'll be listening like I usually do when I record and even better, I'll be with my buddies too! Cool! I hope you tune in too!

Thanks as always Jerry and Robin for all you do! Your encouragement keeps me going! I need it!

Thanks to all you listeners out there! Keep building those groups of friends that listen together. It's because you share that this show grows! Thanks!

Peace and love,


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