Saturday, June 24, 2017

Show #267

Hello Friends of the Garden!

Three Flat Growlers (there's
actually 5 of us, well, sometimes
6, whatever!)
Once again I find myself at the center of a flurry of activity. I've recorded my show to alleviate some pressure on another project that has me preoccupied. A spin-off from the Rogue Festival band for the Flower Tome Companion show has arisen in the form of a new band named "The Flat Growlers". The real debut of the band will be this Sunday, the 25th of June, from 3 PM to 5 PM at Sequoia Brewing in the Tower District.

I'm feeling those same feelings of anxiety but, I'm super excited to be part of another group of fun guys doing fun things. I realized that I'd be busy freaking out and that I would be pressed for time since the band plays until 5. I'd have to jet out to the studio to be there in time and I think I'd rather savor the moment rather than running out the door after our band's debut (I may still want to run off depending on how things go!)

Expect a full update next week on how everything plays out and wish us (me) luck on our first gig (it feels funny calling it that)! I'm checking things off the list folks!

Oh yeah, Show #267 is as good as any other I've put together and I'll be listening to me after if I'm calmed down by then!

Peace and love and get your growl on baby!


Saturday, June 17, 2017

Show #266

Hello Friends of the Garden,

I'm sure my Mom was channeling
her as she plotted the next casserole!
When I was a kid I never had the chance to be a picky eater. My Mom did her best to be a June Cleaver clone. She would do her very best to try corralling me and my brother and sister to a “regular” sit down at the table family dinner. I didn’t always like what Mom would make but there was an unwritten rule about finishing things on your plate. This led to a strange dynamic that is so commonplace all over the world.

At least three ingredients that should
never touch each other would be a
standard my Mom used after she wore
us down!
The battle of wills was set and the battlefield was the dinner table. It felt like some kind of cruel and unusual punishment to smell an unidentified, unrecognized green, white or orange thing steaming in a pot; knowing full well that soon that substance would be staring me in the face from my plate! Each week would be filled with some gastrointestinal challenge from liver and onions to innumerable casseroles concocted from at least three of the least likely ingredients!

Insult to injury! The ultimate indignation
the dreaded "Onion Crisp" topping never
helped much!
The beginnings of learning to strategize are found at urgent times like these! What is the best way to get this over with? Should I eat it first, quickly? Should I once more try the waiting game that always failed before and had consequences equivalent to eating the vile substance in the first place? Maybe I could take little bites and mix it in with something else? I could just close my eyes and swallow, at least I wouldn’t see it. Eventually, the offending food must be confronted.

These days there are a myriad of excuses that recuse adults and kids from eating certain things. Lactose intolerance, peanut allergies, glutens or whatever Dr. Oz has declared “bad”, are all reasons at the ready to avoid the punishment of the unpalatable. Just look at all the alternative menus available now to accommodate the afflicted!

I guess it seems funny until it's you!
Have you ever gone to dinner with a person saddled with the burden of dietary prerequisites? In adulthood, being a picky eater can be cumbersome. It seems like there is always one person in a group that has particular needs, like having a party at a barbeque joint and what to do for your one vegan friend. I can understand if the results are the source of violent illness. I don’t know how people deal with this, I’m glad I don’t have to.

There is another odd thing that arises from having particular eating habits. I have witnessed people that are incapable of ordering from a menu as it is written. I almost cringe when I know some poor waiter or waitress is about to be inundated with a plethora of specific requests. Then I discovered an underground of unknown menus. 

The infamous "Dr. Carlos's Cartel Shrimp Cocktail"! I wish I
was there to try it! Sorry Dr. Carlos!
My first exposure to this was In and Out Burger’s “Animal Style”. There is apparently a host of restaurants that have many offerings not on any menu. The latest example of this has come to my attention through a group of people that listen to my show. The “Brotherhood of the Back Table” gather regularly at my favorite watering hole to listen to my show together. My friends are sometimes are accompanied by Dr. Carlos, who orders a “Cartel Shrimp Cocktail” to share with the group. Huh?

It’s strange how this happens. I would never expect a restaurant to improvise on my behest. I suppose it comes from the limited choices of my youth, you get what you get, no arguments! It’s clear that there are distinct groups of people, the catered to and the not catered to. It also appears to me that the catered to are growing in numbers far greater than their counterparts. Sometimes it feels like not being particular means you simply are not used to getting your way. Settling for something somehow seems like it’s a bad thing. Do you suppose this attitude extends beyond food?

On to Show #266 The first hour starts with a great Band tune and is followed by one distinctive voice after another. There are all kinds of singers in the first hour to enjoy. I believe you’ll like the assortment. The second hour is the crazy part of the show. Apparently, this is the last weekend for Dr. Carlos to be in town (I’ve never met Dr. Carlos) and I wanted to record and hang with the guys during the show so I could meet him. Unfortunately I was unable to get done in time for the deadline. So, the entire second hour has some kind of doctor, medicine, or health reference in it, some of it pretty funny too. This is my tribute to Dr. Carlos, someday we’ll meet up for some “Cartel Cocktail”!

Thanks Jerry and Robin for all you do to help this show continue to grow!

Thanks to all you listeners that call in (thanks Bob Sharp) or text in during the show! It means so much to connect with you guys in any way I can. I know doing my show has been an awesome experience for me and I hope has been for you too!

Peace and love to you all!


Saturday, June 10, 2017

Show #265

Hello Friends of the Garden!

Clearly not enough people living
in Harmony!
There’s a reason I end my show the way I do each week. My heart truly aches from the things I see and hear each day. I know my opinion of the present state of the world is colored by a myriad of things. I choose what I want to listen to, who I want to give credence to, what I see as acceptable, what I believe to be objectionable so, yeah, I’m as open minded as I allow myself to be. The more I think about it, the more I realize the futility of what I have dedicated myself to in requesting for more harmony in the world.

All coach potatoes have more than
just two eyes after a while!
Let’s set aside the agreed notion of television news being depressingly filled with horrible acts of violence. Add to that, for those few of you that read an actual paper newspaper, that they do the same thing as TV just slower and less graphic. The macro version of witnessing the discord in the world is obvious in it’s intent and can be overcome by taking the time to understand and research.

Divisive and
intentionally irritating
is good for ratings!
Whether it’s Bill Maher offending African Americans or it’s Sean Hannity believing that the Democratic National Party had Seth Rich killed, liberal or conservative, there’s no side that isn’t culpable. The lynch mob mentality was equally parsed out for everyone, each girded by the possession of the truth! I was amazed when I overheard someone at the pub say they were taking off the morning of the James Comey testimony! Polarized by our own biases, we still hear what we want to hear, it’s maddening!

Divisive and intentionally irritating is
good for ratings!
What is far scarier is the micro version of disharmony that I see at an endemic level. The polarizing of attitudes at the macro level trickles down to the micro level. The possession of the truth has a built in need for dissemination. Emboldened by being right, I’ve seen friends and family torn apart. It makes me laugh to think you could be friends in real life but not on Facebook, or vice versa!

Divisive and intentionally
irritating! What?!? 
I’m a pretty sensitive guy. I don’t believe uniquely so, but noticeably. This has led me to becoming a student of the human condition, only at my own limited capability. Even in the supposed sanctity of my favorite watering hole I’ve witnessed several instances of petty disagreements that have left unnecessary scars. I’ve been guilty myself, numerous times regrettably, of the righteous indignation that accompanied the possession of “my” truth.

This just makes me crazy! 
So, is it just a gesture that I petition for harmony each week? Am I simply expressing a platitude to sound likable? Seriously, if we can’t get along with friends and family then, how can we expect to get along globally? As I write this I feel foolish! I can’t fix my friends or family or my community or anything but me! I already know this! I just need to continually remind myself lest I fall into the trap of judging others before I judge myself!

So, I’ll continue to ask for more harmony in the world, but now I know that I’ll focus on the work in progress that is me! I’m going to keep my eyes open to the opportunities that come my way! I’ve got plenty to work on myself. Now I can say that my request for more harmony in the world is for my own encouragement more than anyone else!

Here’s Show #265! Lately I’ve been all over the place! This week I worked in a couple of requests (keep ‘em coming Scooter). The first set is all about dancing. There’s a “Gardenerism” right after! The whole second hour is hilarious to me! The main feature in that second hour is the J.J. Voss song (check the title on that one). I’ve got a Paul Thorn and a Jackie Greene tune (they’ll both be in town soon).  This show may not swing as wide as the previous weeks but it is different, just like it always is!

Thanks as always Jerry and Robin! We’re working our way to Show #300! It’s out there on the horizon!

Thank you kind listeners and dear friends! Your patience is most appreciated! I hope you appreciate the diversity that I try to provide to you while consistently giving you a show that is familiar too. I hope I’m doing this right!

Peace and love to you all!


Saturday, June 3, 2017

Show #264

Hello Friends of the Garden!

Charged up and good to go!
I recently bought an electric bicycle. I have enjoyed it so much! I spent a long time researching my purchase. I read forums, reviews online. I talked to people that own electric bicycles. Eventually it came down to the recommendation from a couple of trusted friends that influenced my decision to commit to a particular company.

One mile on the odometer. The display
is cool and it has a USB port to charge
your phone!
The desire to have an electric bicycle was not for any altruistic reason. I didn’t buy it with the intent to reduce my carbon footprint! I wasn’t attempting save money on transportation costs. I wasn’t focused on the environment. I wish I could say that my reason was to provide an example of a simpler lifestyle for others to follow but it wasn’t. All those noble purposes made for convincing arguments but they were adjunct to my motivation.

I had told myself that having an electric assisted bike would make climbing the hills around my coast house easier, but really that wasn’t it either. The tipping point came about in a kind of perfect storm. I had researched it in to tedium (I love to shop, I really do, for ANYTHING!). Finally, it was at a party with a bunch of old friends that I mentioned an interest in having an electric bike. My good friends Jen and Kenny suddenly perked up and said they owned two of them!

108 miles on the bike and my butt feels
it! I'll toughen up!
Jen and Kenny’s eyes lit up. Smiles came to their faces. They both spoke in encouraging and excited positive tones. They told me how cooperative the company was to work with and how they actually had a “brick and mortar” store with real people to talk to. They simply said how much fun they had riding! I knew then that I wanted to have that fun too! I didn’t need any other reason! I wanted to have fun!

So, I called up the company in Seattle and talked to the sales director personally. I asked my well thought out questions. By the time the phone call was over I had ordered my bike and was already dealing with theangst from delayed gratification! I don’t buy a lot of things online. I like looking at things in person. Waiting for something to be delivered is difficult for me (I’m also an impatient, passive aggressive driver. Hey nobody’sperfect!).

I'm certain some battle damage
from the speed burn is to be
I am truly amazed by the speed my bike arrived from Seattle! My friends have asked how fast my bike could go (CA limits electric road bikespeed to 20 MPH)? Clearly, my bike went the fastest as it was being delivered, so I replied, “About 65 to 70 MPH.” I had ordered my bike as soon as the shop opened. The sales manager said the order would go out that morning. My bike was in my driveway in two days! That took some of the sting away from my delayed gratification!

It's so cool how it folds up!
Jen and Kenny were right! I am truly satisfied with my decision. Sometimes I feel a sense of regret after making a selfish purchase but not this time! Riding has been fun! The bike draws attention. Any of my friends that have ridden it have been truly impressed by it. I have no regrets!

Is my butt worth $200? Right now
I'd say YES!
The only down side I would say, isn’t found in the bike itself. Certainly, the bike is complicit! I’ve once more been confronted with the realities of my age! My butt is sore from not having been on a bicycle seat for so long. My back is sore from jarring inherently caused by uneven surfaces. Here we are again, “Old Folks Boogie”! When you’re mind makes a promise that your body can’t fill! My bike is only limited by my lack of experience and unwarranted self-confidence!

My insane approach to most things!
That self-confidence resulted with a humbling nighttime crash evidenced by a road rash worthy of a third grader! C’mon man, how many lessons does one guy have to learn? Undeterred by all the humility and pain (as stupid as that sounds), I still love riding my bike! I just want to have fun and seeing the world by bike is eye opening!

Here’s Show #264! I got a lot of response from last week’s show. It is so fun to hear from the different groups of people that listen together! I like a lot of things and I’m learning to appreciate and enjoy more and more music all the time. That’s what this show is about. I cover several genres. I had fun putting it all together! Rather than describe it you should just look at the list. I look forward to checking in with my friends afterwards! Enjoy!

Thanks Robin and Jerry! The last few weeks have been erratic, but, oh well! We’ll just keep on keeping on!

Thanks to all you listeners out there! You truly make it fun for me!

Peace and love!
