Saturday, October 28, 2017

Show #285

Hello Friends of the Garden!

I’m not a native Californian. I’m not even a native Texan despite spending the greater portion of my formative years there. I was born eight years after Tom Petty in the same hospital in Gainesville, Florida. I’m the first born of three with a brother and younger sister. My father was disappointed that I wasn’t born in his home state of Texas like my brother and sister were. Not so much so that he was openly mean about it. It just didn’t go the way he wanted.

It’s funny how it became a “dirty little secret”, an unmentionable fact, that my birth took place in Florida. It certainly wasn’t a plan by my parents that I was born there, it just happened that way. For some reason the place of my birth was of great significance to my father.  He never said anything in a derogatory way regarding the place of my birth. He was always proud of every other aspect of me, his first-born son, with the site of my birth as the only blemish.

My earliest memories were all about Texas. We never really talked about me not being a natural Texan. I always knew that I wasn’t! We moved a lot and we were always filling out forms of one sort or another for schools and the dreaded “Birth Place” blank would cement the origin of my existence!

I learned to be the Texan that my Dad wanted. It’s hard not to! Most language experts will tell you that “immersion” into a different culture with a different language is the best way to acquire another language. Immersed from near birth, I assimilated seamlessly. Just like other states, Texas has its’ history and I learned it in grade school. On trips to my Grandma’s house in South Texas I learned how big Texas truly is. We would pile in to the car and drive for hours and hours (seven) to her house.

I remember when we moved to Rochester, New York during my senior year of high school. I was seriously made fun of in school for all my acquired cultural attributes. My clothes, my accent, the words I chose were all as out of place as I was. It was kind of lonely really. The oddest part of the whole thing was that they believed I was a Texan! I knew I wasn’t! They even nicknamed me “Tex”! Suddenly being a Texan was a source of ridicule. I had just gotten good enough to be a believable Texan! Talk about being an outsider! I wasn’t even really a part of the group being disparaged and I wasn’t even accepted by other Texans!

Now I’m a “naturalized” Californian. Not that my friends would necessarily agree. I have lived in my house in Fresno longer than I have lived anywhere in my entire life. Despite the static nature of my latter years, my status as an outsider has never left me. It lingers deep within me with little subtle reminders from time to time. It feels like I’ve spent my entire life trying to fit in!

I have made some strides to embrace the amalgam of my experiences and influences. I have made a conscious effort to try to see how I fit in and what I can do. I can use that variety of culture and climate to my advantage to give me a perspective that would be impossible for many here and elsewhere! When my Mom (also not a Texan, born in South Carolina) told me I was special I never thought it would take so long to accept the notion that I was! It’s not too late to do something good with it!

Peace and love to you all!


Saturday, October 21, 2017

Show #284

Hello Friends of the Garden!

Beautiful morning in Cambria!
I’ve determined that it’s time to get back on horse. I feel compelled to write again! It’s been months since I’ve been at the coast house and I feel its’ positivity almost instantly! My son has been recovering from his surgery and is well enough to take care of himself at least through the weekend. So, it’s nice to be back at the “Fortress of Solitude”. Time to embrace my inner Superman!

This roof should outlast me!
It’s such a joy to let go of being an amateur roofer. I’ve struggled with trying to patch my roof here at the coast for twenty years! One more example of the axiom, “A man must know his limitations!” The new roof on the house is so nice. It’s so easy to take something so simple as a properly functioning roof for granted.

Wouldn’t it be nice to see super heroes tackle home improvement projects! Like, would Thor get frustrated from constantly pounding nails through the roof?  I wonder if the tedium would be as big challenge as the physical effort? At least their average trips to the hardware store would be faster!

Sure he's powerful but he has no touch!
So, if Thor can’t roof his own house does he get somebody else to do it? What does he say, “I really thought I had this thing but I keep smashing everything and I only have this one hammer”? I can just hear Mike Gamez (a famous roofer) now! “Hey man, you’re great at saving us from intergalactic enemies and that’s all cool! Don’t feel bad about not being able to fix your roof! Don’t worry we have people that are good at this sort of stuff!”

Getting' stuff done for the planet!
I’m not just bagging on Thor! They (super heroes in general) all seem to have their issues just like the rest of us! It’s just fun to think what if The Flash and Superman were also skilled in construction? Dams, trains, hurricane victims, fires, earthquake victims, adequate housing, and hospitals would become a minor issue. Magneto alone could pound every nail in a roof instantaneously! No sense in these super heroes just sitting around waiting for maniacal aliens! They should be busy all the time!

I guess I could find new things to get
mad about, otherwise I'm
Just for laughs, wouldn’t it be a hoot to see the trailers for, “Avengers 12: The End to Worldwide Racism!” By appearances it seems easier to destroy an evil robot than to get people to get along! If these super heroes were really doing their job it would be tough on Batman and the Hulk. There wouldn’t be any criminals for Batman to face and the Hulk wouldn’t have anything to be mad about!

Super heroes are far too unreliable for this sort of work. I think I’ll stick with the regular super heroes like Mike Gamez, honest, fair, hard working people that care! And thank goodness that there are a lot more Mike Gamez’s out there too! There are more good people out there trying to make this world a better place than there are doing the opposite. The latter just gets better media coverage and goes to great extremes to get attention!

Thanks for your patience! I’m working through my own difficult transitions and the last few months have been a challenge for me. Fortunately, I’m surrounded by a host of “regular” super heroes and they have been at my side even when I didn’t see them! Believe it or not, all of you listeners are my super heroes too and part of my happiness! So many of you are so gracious in your appreciation for my radio show! I love my show and it’s so nice to know that many of you do too!

I'm easing back in to the writing. Hang in there with me!

Peace and love to you all!
