Saturday, May 27, 2017

Show #263

Hello Friends of the Garden!

Dry, sanded, holes filled, primer
 applied and sealed. 
This Memorial Day weekend I find myself back at the coast. I have a leftover project to finish with my bathroom flooring. It’s been long overdue and I look forward to putting this task behind me. The glaringly obvious incomplete job has worked its way to the forefront and is awaiting my full concentration. I know I won’t be satisfied unless I manage to set aside everything else whirling around in my head and give this job my full attention.

First few courses done! Looks
I suppose picking up at the same place where you left off is the challenge. A month or more ago I was filled with intention and determination when this necessary job began. Reassessing the steps that have been completed and prioritizing the required steps to finish feels a lot like reading a book and stopping for a month and picking it back up. There are all the little nuances that must be recalled to make sense of what is coming at you. I have had the hardest time focusing.

Getting down to the tricky
parts that require more
Seeking to clear my mind, I tried to understand my dissonance. I think I’ve stumbled on to what may be a part of my discord; at a minimum I believe I’ve identified a possible reason as to my confusion. I’m feeling it has something to do with the date itself, yes, Memorial Day!

One last piece! Nice!
Most people can point to many other significant dates, like Christmas or birthdays or anniversaries as pivotal dates on the timelines of their lives. The memories of the events associated with those dates can leave a tattoo on your soul, something that leaves a mark on your memory. Even the title itself, Memorial Day, is intended to reflect on the past. The memories of my collective Memorial Days have marked my heart in ways that can never be assuaged.

Memorial Day is the gateway to summer, the beginning of a season to come. All manner of activities occur in a preview of summertime fun ahead. My memories of the last 30 or so Memorial Day weekends have been filled with anticipation, joy, camaraderie, sadness, loss, physical pain, indulgence, mistakes, laughter, peace and love. Upon reflection, I suppose that over time, life has a way of buffering the good with the bad and turning it all into a mixed bag of cosmic balance.
Like some kind of “Back To The Future” temporal date, Memorial Day seems to have become a significant date to me. So many important memories of past Memorial Days make it impossible to ignore recollection. The sedate nature of this particular Memorial Day is indescribably incongruous with the camping, concerts and carefree fun associated with those of the past. Each of those fond past Memorial Days have been tempered with literal scars, physically and emotionally from other Memorial Days.

Baseboards in place! Caulked,
just need to put the door back on!
Why carpet ever in there?
I realize at its inception, Memorial Day was created to honor those who have “died” in the service of our country as opposed to Veterans Day that honors those who have served. It has also been an unofficial start to the summer vacation season. I have more connection with the anticipation of the summer season than I do with people I know that have died serving our country.

For no particular reason, I simply don’t have many close relationships with friends or family in the military. I know a few people that have served our nation, but my frame of reference is so limited that I don’t really understand the true nature of its gravity. I do understand on a personal level and at a parallel of sorts, the need to stop and take account of all the moments of your friend’s and family’s lives, as well as your own!

I think about my Dad a lot more these days! I sure could use a few more moments!

Here’s Show #263! I totally forgot about being out of town until the weekend hit me! I got to work earlier in the week on the show and I guess I just did whatever came to me. I like a lot of different things, some more than others, but still different. And that’s what you get this week! It all started with watching Austin City Limits with Wilco and a guest appearance by Nick Lowe! It was awesome! The Rides and JJ Grey & Mofro are at Avila this weekend so they’re in there! I played the Salt-N-Pepa as a request for a friend and I just embraced my inner need to do something different for a little bit! The Red Hot Chili Peppers is brand new and fit with Sublime and George Clinton. The ending with the Pink Floyd theme is always fun to me!

Thanks Jerry and Robin! I know I’ve been gone a bunch with this “Flat Growler” thing but I sure do like it! We’ll get caught up soon!

Thanks to all you listeners too! I have gotten some fun calls to the studio lately! Nothing puts a smile on my face like that does!

Peace and love!


Saturday, May 20, 2017

Show #262

Hello Friends of the Garden,

Man, I'm worn out! The last few weeks have been so busy. This day already has commitments that preclude my ability to put down anything salient! I think I'll take a break this week and spare everyone (and myself) from my inane and convoluted thoughts. Sometimes life just gets in the way!

I'll be back next week! In the mean time enjoy the show!

Peace and love to you all!


Saturday, May 13, 2017

Show #261

Hello Friends of the Garden,

A beautiful look from the
vacation rental in Lake Tahoe
This is a treat! I'm writing from the deck of beautiful cabin/chalet in Lake Tahoe! It's also the second weekend in a row of Bachelor Party partying! This group of revelers are considerably younger than the group from the previous week. It's clear that they have not yet set acceptable standards of what the human body can endure. As the senior member of the group I find it important to let these fellas learn first hand the limitations of overindulgence!

Apparently a beer that the entire modern
world knows about! Just not me!
I am honored to be a part of the group as there is quite a bit of difference in our ages! I guess a natural concern for me is being out of place. These guys are a fun bunch of guys to be around and they have always been kind about not dwelling on our differences as much as I do. It definitely is fun for me to witness the folly of youth however. These guys still go at it with a great deal of energy and as a consequence suffer from that choice knowingly.

Beer was at the middle of an
elaborate plan to pull friends
together! I imagine that
happens all over the world!
It's funny how I think of myself above the juvenile antics of my young buddies. I know that the real truth is that I am every bit as susceptible to the enthusiasm that comes with inexperience. I can't help but think about that Little Feat song called "Old Folks Boogie", it has a great line that goes like this, "Old folks boogie, boogie they will, when your mind make a promise that your body can't fill". Hell, at this point I'm honored to be thought of as being potentially capable of running with the ponies!

The kicker for this party is the location. Last week it was jamming with my old friends (and many of the guys I'm hanging with this weekend were there too) in my backyard. This time it's a weekend in Lake Tahoe, one the most beautiful places I've ever been! The vacation rental my buddies set up is fantastic, with an amazing filtered view of the lake through the trees.

Pliny the Elder can be purchased
here at 2000 Town Center Plaza,
West Sacramento. This place was
like a museum of food and culture
with 12 feet of beans!
Truth be told, it wouldn't matter to me where this gathering takes place! In this particular case I understand the "place" is an indefinite and unspecific in my mind (and heart). Being with friends is a place that needs no address, it could be a backyard, a chalet in Tahoe, a garage, wherever! The real treasure is in the acceptance and desire of your friends wanting you to be there for the memory and being thought of as a piece that makes the entire experience more complete!

It's a nice feeling when you get the notion that an event is less fun with your absence. Being wanted makes me feel valued. Don't misconstrue this as pure vanity. The reason I recognize this comes from being on the other side of the whole thing. Lots of times I have felt like concerts, parties and similar gatherings have not been as satisfying as they could have been due to missing your friends not being in attendance.

Go figure Widespread Panic!
I'm glad I'm here! I'm glad to be hanging with the guys in spite of our differences in age! Identifying our differences is counterproductive and only provides more reasons to opt out. What is much more satisfying is identifying our points of connection. I believe I am learning about all the different ways harmony exists in the world. These "young" guys have as much to teach me as any elderly wise person! I'm still not gonna get sucked in to shooters at 4:00 AM! That lesson has already been mastered and not to be deviated from!

On to Show #261! First off, I felt the rush of putting it together. I knew I would be recording the show and I knew I had other obligations to attend to. I had a request to handle but other than that I pretty much wanted to do a typical show. I realized I had know idea what that was! I just decided to do what I do, whatever that is! There's some "Gardenerisms" in there, some great female artists and my favorite is at the start of the second hour with three bluegrass versions of rock and roll songs! I'll be listening like I usually do when I record and even better, I'll be with my buddies too! Cool! I hope you tune in too!

Thanks as always Jerry and Robin for all you do! Your encouragement keeps me going! I need it!

Thanks to all you listeners out there! Keep building those groups of friends that listen together. It's because you share that this show grows! Thanks!

Peace and love,


Saturday, May 6, 2017

Show #260

Hello Friends of the Garden!

For those who really don't need
a reason to party!
This weekend I'm hosting a party at my house for an incredibly important new friend! So, the occasion requires something special! So, what would any self respecting naturalized Texan do for "Seis de Mayo"? The answer is so simple, brisket! It is a wonderful thing to see your friends marvel at your culinary expertise. Actually the reality usually comes with a question from your friends that know in the form of, "Hang on now, seriously, you made this?!" Nothing, prompts a smile from me more than when I surprise someone with my well concealed talents!

This guy looks like my buddy Jeff,
except this guy is way too calm!
I have come to realize that for a certain segment of society the preparation and cooking of brisket is nearly a religious event! The unwritten code by which all aspiring brisket cookers adhere to is simple! There are a multitude of ways people cook brisket accompanied by a dogmatic philosophy connected to that successful production! That latitude leaves only one ultimate evaluation! Is it good? If it ain't, then you screwed up! If it's good, say thanks, act natural and try like hell to remember what you did!

I use Shiner Bock in my mop
sauce, I won't say the rest!
Cooking brisket is not for the faint of heart! If you are averse to the notion of planning then this will be the showstopper! The time requirements demand organization! Choosing the brisket leads to concocting a special dry rub and applying it like a massage therapist. Then wait a day. When the day arrives to cook, well, like fishing, you have to get up early to get things started! I'm happy to report that I am prepared for my brisket induced sleep deprivation.

Six hours in, seven more to go!
Last time I had not thought far enough ahead to anticipate staying up to party with your buddies! I was so involved in the process (most likely a result of being averse to planning) that I had not foreseen shooters at midnight! How can stop when your feet say go! Well, hell, embrace your redneck ways and quit those days another day! Here's what you do! You savor every moment you can! You can sleep anytime! You only have so many opportunities to create lifetime memories! This time I'm as ready as ever! Except for all the little things I've overlooked!

I put the same amount of love into making my brisket as I do my radio show! By now you know my passion for the music I love and so desperately want to share. Well, brisket is to be shared, especially with as many good friends as you can gather! Spread the love, and spread the brisket!

Thanks, as always, Robin and Jerry! It's been so fun for me and I appreciate your encouragement!

Thanks to all you listeners too! Without all of you out there listening, well, what's the point! I can't express properly the humility I feel from your genuine appreciation for my efforts! Incredibly, this whole thing grows through all of you and our audience is growing! It is the love you show that makes you suggest my show to your friends! Keep on! Thanks!

Peace and love to you all!
