Saturday, September 3, 2016

Show #225

Hello Friends of the Garden!

​​I feel lazy this morning, but I know that's just the way things start on most of my Saturday mornings. This routine is one that I truly enjoy. Radio, newspaper, coffee and emails all serve to align my mind. Speed, is the key controlled aspect to this routine, by design it's slow and relaxed. Thank goodness that my Saturdays don't include "hitting the ground running" often! The work week has plenty of that for the whole week, no need to "pile on"!

I need to mention one part of the routine that has become a source of irritation. I must have the meanest newspaper delivery person in all of Fresno! As a matter of convenience (to my delivery person and not me) my delivery person throws the paper to my driveway and not the front porch. 

​With amazing accuracy and consistency my delivery person throws my paper under my little
car nearly every morning! About 90% of the time I have to get on my hands and knees and sometimes I even need to get a broom or rake from the garage to extricate my morning news! I can only imagine him or her giggling as the newspaper slides perfectly under my car like a baseball player sliding in to home!

Until this moment, I had no idea that this would be another way that I bring joy into the life of others! I had not anticipated this avenue for bringing happiness at my own personal cost. Hopefully, I'm a small part of their satisfaction! Oh well, I guess I need to stretch these old bones and I always know where my brooms and rakes are! That's about as "half full" as I can muster on that one! I'll keep working on my patience.

Speaking of patience, a listener (a local musician) wrote me an email and stated that when he prayed for patience he was presented with lots of things that required it (apparently not the answer he expected) . He went on to say that the stopped praying for patience and switched to praying for wisdom instead. Everybody needs something, and even when you get it you're not sure that was truly what you needed in the first place!

The listener went on to tell me about his place in Louisiana and the devastation from the flooding there. Thankfully his home there did not sustain much damage, however many others have not been as lucky. He wanted to pick my mind on ideas for some sort of fundraiser/benefit for the people of Louisiana. I love the generous and loving spirit of my listeners!

Of course I want to help! As if it was a conditioned response, my first instinct is to do something! But what? How? Then the thinking comes, "Is this the most important need I can address?" What about issues that are more central to my needs? When I think that I shouldn't be so self-centered my mind bounces in the other direction and looks outwardly. The call for help becomes a cacophony of voices upon a deeper look. 

When I think about how many people are in need in one way or another all over the globe, I realize that my classroom is a parallel on a smaller scale. When my students begin their work independently there are always a host of hands all needing assistance in some form. I've found myself overwhelmed at times. Everybody has such specific needs that trying a "one size fits all" approach just wastes time. More effective and lasting is a one on one, personal approach. Unfortunately, that requires a prioritizing of expedience and efficiency in who and how I help. 

The world however, is not like my classroom. With great effort I can reach almost all the academic needs of those that ask. Shear numbers alone tell me that doing the same with the needs of the world is a ridiculous notion! The best I've come up with is, find something you can plant your flag on and do the best you can! When you feel strong enough add another if possible. Apply patience and sensitivity to all including yourself. Hard problems aren't fixed in a day!

Here's show #225! This show is recorded in anticipation of my going to the coast, my own tiny fortress of solitude! Unfortunately circumstances prevented that reprieve. I'm torn between finding a friend to hang out with and listen together or going in, stopping the machine and doing it live! We'll see! Anyway, I start out with some work songs for the Labor Day Weekend (listening to Don Fischer will make you think ahead because that's the effect he has on me). There's a cool remastered edition of Psycho Killer. I've got a fun "Booty" "Gardenerism" (I hope I don't embarrass myself with it) right after. The whole "old-timey" set includes Blue Indian (the song that hooked me on WSP and I've only played once in four years?!?). I start the second hour with my new segment of "Fresno's 10 things" and follow it with a Tea Leaf Green request I forgot to fill for Shawn, who gives me the list of activities. Sending the Little Feat out to the Texas Connection. I close things up with dead guys I wish were still around! No disrespect meant here, I just miss 'em. Try to stay for the end with the special Gene Wilder song!

Thank you Robin and Jerry for being there each week with me as this show grows and grows! You two are the nurture in my nature!

Thanks to all you out there that correspond in any way you do, from emails, to calls, to conversations, to texts, I appreciate your effort to check in! Thanks for listening when you can!

Peace and love!



  1. maybe your praying for patience will turn into wisdom, too......if i may be so bold, i suggest taking action with your newspaper carrier! leave your news carrier a $ tip, have a positive interaction, meet him/her at the driveway with a will become a person with a face instead of just another driveway.......

    1. Well, you've got to get up pretty early in the morning to catch my paper guy! You're right though Julie, the personal touch always gets better results! Right now he/she is a faceless person and interaction would change that! Money works faster, but putting a face to someone that does a service for you pays back even better I think!

  2. Saturday mornings knowing that Monday is a day off can be extremely LAZY! But, that's how you should feel right?

    1. Lazy is good work when you can get it Chuck! Too bad lazy isn't offered as often as it should be. I was so busy this Labor Day weekend and my personal intentions were 180 degrees in the opposite direction!
