Saturday, June 3, 2017

Show #264

Hello Friends of the Garden!

Charged up and good to go!
I recently bought an electric bicycle. I have enjoyed it so much! I spent a long time researching my purchase. I read forums, reviews online. I talked to people that own electric bicycles. Eventually it came down to the recommendation from a couple of trusted friends that influenced my decision to commit to a particular company.

One mile on the odometer. The display
is cool and it has a USB port to charge
your phone!
The desire to have an electric bicycle was not for any altruistic reason. I didn’t buy it with the intent to reduce my carbon footprint! I wasn’t attempting save money on transportation costs. I wasn’t focused on the environment. I wish I could say that my reason was to provide an example of a simpler lifestyle for others to follow but it wasn’t. All those noble purposes made for convincing arguments but they were adjunct to my motivation.

I had told myself that having an electric assisted bike would make climbing the hills around my coast house easier, but really that wasn’t it either. The tipping point came about in a kind of perfect storm. I had researched it in to tedium (I love to shop, I really do, for ANYTHING!). Finally, it was at a party with a bunch of old friends that I mentioned an interest in having an electric bike. My good friends Jen and Kenny suddenly perked up and said they owned two of them!

108 miles on the bike and my butt feels
it! I'll toughen up!
Jen and Kenny’s eyes lit up. Smiles came to their faces. They both spoke in encouraging and excited positive tones. They told me how cooperative the company was to work with and how they actually had a “brick and mortar” store with real people to talk to. They simply said how much fun they had riding! I knew then that I wanted to have that fun too! I didn’t need any other reason! I wanted to have fun!

So, I called up the company in Seattle and talked to the sales director personally. I asked my well thought out questions. By the time the phone call was over I had ordered my bike and was already dealing with theangst from delayed gratification! I don’t buy a lot of things online. I like looking at things in person. Waiting for something to be delivered is difficult for me (I’m also an impatient, passive aggressive driver. Hey nobody’sperfect!).

I'm certain some battle damage
from the speed burn is to be
I am truly amazed by the speed my bike arrived from Seattle! My friends have asked how fast my bike could go (CA limits electric road bikespeed to 20 MPH)? Clearly, my bike went the fastest as it was being delivered, so I replied, “About 65 to 70 MPH.” I had ordered my bike as soon as the shop opened. The sales manager said the order would go out that morning. My bike was in my driveway in two days! That took some of the sting away from my delayed gratification!

It's so cool how it folds up!
Jen and Kenny were right! I am truly satisfied with my decision. Sometimes I feel a sense of regret after making a selfish purchase but not this time! Riding has been fun! The bike draws attention. Any of my friends that have ridden it have been truly impressed by it. I have no regrets!

Is my butt worth $200? Right now
I'd say YES!
The only down side I would say, isn’t found in the bike itself. Certainly, the bike is complicit! I’ve once more been confronted with the realities of my age! My butt is sore from not having been on a bicycle seat for so long. My back is sore from jarring inherently caused by uneven surfaces. Here we are again, “Old Folks Boogie”! When you’re mind makes a promise that your body can’t fill! My bike is only limited by my lack of experience and unwarranted self-confidence!

My insane approach to most things!
That self-confidence resulted with a humbling nighttime crash evidenced by a road rash worthy of a third grader! C’mon man, how many lessons does one guy have to learn? Undeterred by all the humility and pain (as stupid as that sounds), I still love riding my bike! I just want to have fun and seeing the world by bike is eye opening!

Here’s Show #264! I got a lot of response from last week’s show. It is so fun to hear from the different groups of people that listen together! I like a lot of things and I’m learning to appreciate and enjoy more and more music all the time. That’s what this show is about. I cover several genres. I had fun putting it all together! Rather than describe it you should just look at the list. I look forward to checking in with my friends afterwards! Enjoy!

Thanks Robin and Jerry! The last few weeks have been erratic, but, oh well! We’ll just keep on keeping on!

Thanks to all you listeners out there! You truly make it fun for me!

Peace and love!


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