Saturday, January 28, 2017

Show #246

Hello Friends of the Garden!

Super sized cinnamon twist!
Ok, back to the breakfast of champions, donut, coffee and the newspaper! This routine is one that is easy to get behind! 

Fun times at the Fox!
I want to thank my friends Jerry, Kevin, John F., Jen, John and Debi, Mark and Lee, my brother David, and my beautiful wife Robin for going to see Robert Earl Keen with me in Hanford. I'd seen him many times before but this was a first for most of them! He put on a GREAT show but I'm prejudiced when it comes to Robert Earl! I'm putting that memory in the safety deposit box of my heart and cherish it forever! Thanks guys!

Keith & Mick before blood
transfusions and collagen!
It is a mysterious and curious thing how people come in to your life. You never realize from the onset how your path in life gets altered by the influences of the people you come in contact with! I can't say specifically what it is in the people you meet that makes you want to linger a little longer or move on, but I know it starts from deep within you. I know for me it is something that identifies a need of some kind. It could be knowledge or affirmation or simply the friendship of truly talented people that I admire are all things that I seek. Everyone of my friends fulfill some or all of those things or more! Man, am I thankful!

Clearly some deal with the Devil
to have lived this long and look
that good!
Trouble is, you never know when these worlds are gonna collide! What makes this even more peculiar is that every time I get together with friends it seems we keep finding odd connections with other people in our lives! Tiny circles! I'm beginning to believe that in Fresno it's "two degrees" of separation! Still, when you least expect it, you meet somebody that makes you stop and listen. That's so cool because it doesn't happen as often as you would like it to!

Migrating west with the family!
The other thing is you never know who these people are! They come out of nowhere! Having lived a migratory life for my formative years, at heart I have always felt like an immigrant. Being new and meeting new people becomes more difficult with age. When circles are established it's naturally difficult to break in to them and feel accepted. This happens on a much wider scale than we realize, kind of like, a not seeing the forest for the trees thing.

I was reading my newspaper about the executive order for the extreme vetting of refugees. I get that there are bad people out there but, the blanket way this is done seems counterproductive. You have no idea who you are turning away, good or bad! Albert Einstein, Joseph Pulitzer, John Muir, Irving Berlin, are all examples of immigrants that have made significant contributions to our country's legacy. With the exception of Arnold Schwarzenegger, there's a lot of good ones (just kidding, I liked Kindergarten Cop)!

I wish there was a way we could get to know these people. I know it's not practical but, I can't help but feel there's some jewels in there we're missing. Other than the true Native Americans, I have a hard time with this notion of being "native". In 1958, John F. Kennedy wrote, “Every American who has ever lived, with the exception of one group, was either an immigrant himself or a descendant of immigrants,” That really undermines the idea of being "native".

No spell check for hand
painted signs!
Entitlement through legacy and garnered influence smacks of exclusivity. The blanket way we address these and other issues always confuses me! I always wonder where are the super intelligent, savvy, innovative, kindhearted, generous people that should be representing us in our government? Aren't those the guys we're supposed to have? Instead, it seems, we are divided by individual "litmus test" type issues. Circle established! Both sides! Stop thinking! Done!

I'd say, that the general populous and my friends that agree with me and disagree all acknowledge that the traits of kindness and generosity exist in the American populous much more then selfishness and intolerance. Call me Pollyanna, I'm fine with that! I know I'm not alone in my thinking! Minds far greater than mine are way ahead of me! It may take time but that kindness and generosity will prevail, as it should naturally!

On to Show #246! I had a lot going on this week, it took a little before I could settle down and focus! Once I did it was easy! First off, we lost another great one in Butch Trucks this last week! So, Allman Bros. seems appropriate. First timers this week include: Mike Beck, Athena Andreadis, Rev. Peyton's Big Damn Band, Nikki Lane and Ian Siegal & the Youngest Sons. Eventually, I wander back to my roots at the end! Fun times, can't wait!

Hey! I'm so pleased we got to see REK together Jerry and Robin! That was awesome! Great show! Great company! Thanks for being there!

Thank you kind listeners and readers of this blog! Please know that I am only searching for my own truths and not intending to claim to have possession of it! This has always been an expression. Please if I seem pretentious or inane disregard this and just enjoy the music! Call me!

Peace and love!


Saturday, January 21, 2017

Show #245

Hello Friends of the Garden!

I have had trouble sleeping lately. I've been waking up really early, like 4:00 AM or 5:00 AM. I've had a lot on my mind and there's been plenty of things to think about. I'm sure that part of my trouble sleeping has been due to an injury to my knee. It's difficult to find a comfortable position to rest it. It seemed like such a simple thing. I just twisted it a little helping a friend move some furniture. I wasn't even carrying anything when I did it. I tried to just "walk it off" but, it didn't go away. 

I tried taking some Ibuprofen and that didn't do much. I got a knee brace and that felt a little better. Being a guy like I am I figured a better (i.e.more expensive) brace would be even better. The momentary relief I experienced was not commensurate with the additional cost of the brace. The search to assuage my pain remained unanswered. I tried heat packs. I tried ice packs. I began to understand that this was something I needed help with.

I finally went to the doctor. The stubborn fool that I am eventually gave in to the reality (pain) that I wasn't getting better. I became concerned that I may have injured myself more seriously than I realized. Having given in to that reality and knowing that this was out of my control, I began to amplify the possibilities of the unknown and fear crept in. So, with a mixture of trepidation and concession I decided to put my fate in the hands of doctors ( a standard and typical first response for normal people).

I've never enjoyed the doctor's office. I don't get why they call it an appointment! Every time I've gone at the appointed time, I've always waited an extra inordinate amount of time. The extra wait only fuels the frustration and anxiety. I've never understood why you wait in an outside area with old magazines only to wait in a smaller room by yourself with even older magazines! The minutes click by at an exasperatingly slow pace every time!

The jubilation of the door finally opening and the doctor appearing subsides quickly as he asks you all the questions you've already answered to the people up front and the nurses that escorted you to your little room. It feels like everybody but your doctor knows what's going on with you. After getting the doctor up to speed he proceeds to twist and bend my tender knee inducing little yelps from the discomfort. This is followed by some clicking on the computer and mysterious scribbling on a clipboard.

As if I were waiting on the opening of an Oscar envelope I anxiously await the doctors determination. Relief feels only moments away! "Take Ibuprofen, use heat and ice packs, and you should be fine in two weeks." is his advice. All those feelings funnel in to one of total frustration. I was hoping for something more! This is so anticlimactic! Two weeks!?! Really? I limped out of the office and headed home shaking my head!

That pain in my knee suddenly became insignificant as I was shocked by the news of the passing of my friend, Tyson Kanzler, this Monday. Ty and I had many, many things in common. We weren't as close as I would have liked to have been. I'm friends with most of Ty's close friends and it has been hard to witness their sense of loss. Ty will be forever linked to one of my most treasured moments in my life. We had some private moments together and shared our feelings in a way that wasn't superficial or contrived. I'll miss that and I'll miss the opportunity for any other such moments.

A clear distinction between Ty and myself was/is in talent. Clever, funny, introspective, humble and creative were all attributes that Ty channeled in to his talent for music. Ty wrote the theme song for the Rogue Show that we performed in together. I'll never forget opening night. 

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the few moments before the show began, Ty and I sat quietly on a bench alone, away from the other cast members. Ty sensed my nervousness and he put his hand on my shoulder and thanked me for involving him in the show. He told me how he was afraid to perform. I was so wrapped up in my own fear that I was surprised by his admission! I thought to myself, "What? Are you kidding? Ty, you are so talented! I only wish I could be as good as you are!" 

I realized then what the greater commonalities were that Ty and I shared. Self-deprication, vulnerability to insecurity, doubt and an unreasonable denial of capability were/are shackles that we shared. In spite of all the affirmation of all our close friends, both Ty and I had trouble convincing ourselves otherwise. 

My loss pales in comparison to that of Ty's wife, Jen and that of his other closer friends! I always envy groups that are tight and enjoy life and do things together like Ty and his band of Tower buddies. It's as if I've been trying to worm my way in to this group to have the taste of what they experience. Nonetheless, Ty and I had connection and I think what I'll miss the most is the separate journey we were both on to conquer our demons together! 

I'm always late to the party! I missed a great opportunity to know a great man, a real man, a man that was filled with kindness and humility and more to offer than he ever gave himself credit for! Like my other friends that have passed on, I will treasure the precious memories and lessons left to me. I'll miss you Ty but, I'll never forget you, I'll always be thankful for you!

On to Show #245! Well, I was affected by the passing of my friend and I wanted to use my opportunity to pay tribute to him! I'll have to say that this show is decidedly more reflective than normal. I think beautiful and heartfelt describes this show more so than sad. Sorry, if it seems somber but I couldn't get past needing to reflect and honor my friend. I hope you'll appreciate my sentiment and know that it's just my way of processing the changes!

Thank you so much Robin and Jerry! You guys are a rock, a source of strength that has always given me confidence! I can't imagine this journey without you!

Thank you kind listeners of the show and readers of this message! I appreciate your patience with me. I realize this writing thing may not be your thing so, please if I bore you with it just skip this part! I have simply found a place and point in time where it feels good to express myself this way!

Peace and love to you all!


Saturday, January 14, 2017

Show #244

Hello Friends of the Garden!

Beautiful clear skies, nice!
I have been fortunate to spend as much time as I have at the coast lately! The Martin Luther King weekend finds me on my familiar deck, with the familiar soothing sounds of the ocean and the little radio playing in the background! After I finish this blog post I'll be at my favorite activity here, searching for sea glass. 

"Don-Jons" lined up for the Inauguration Event
Well, with less than a week from Inauguration Day there is no slowing down from the daily assault of news! Great news country fans, Toby Keith has been added to the line-up for the Inauguration Day festivities! This makes perfect sense to me! Nothing says "American" like country music! After all country music is an American invention and the original music of our country! 

Hold on! I thought Jazz was the original "American" music! I don't even like Jazz though (I think). For that matter I don't like "mainstream" country (elaborate nomenclature makes it less objectionable) music either! Surely this can't be right! Since I believe "Rock and Roll" music to be the original "American" music, then I must be right and everyone else, educated or not, more knowledgeable or not, IS WRONG!

English Innovation!
Americans have always enjoyed this idea that we are the true innovators! Once again we offer our latest greatest innovation to the world, "Fake News"! Great! As if it wasn't hard enough already to discern the truth! The network news is too liberal, the radio is too conservative, the newspapers are biased, how is possible that everyone is lying and telling the truth at the same time? Oh, I know, just ask your family members! They are the ones you trust and love! They'd never steer you wrong!

Random wacko!
It used to be that if you were a conspiracy theorist, you were wacko! Now, you are a master manipulator of "Fake News"! It's not like this is new at all! I'm a radio guy, always have been! Think back to a time when the nation was in the grip of fear, truly! In 1938, Orson Welles and his Mercury Theater radio group, using the latest, most innovative media technology at the time, convinced many Americans  that we were invaded by Martians!

Young Orson Welles
At that time Orson Welles was 23 years old. A young man using modern media. Now, Orson Welles did what he did, and very convincingly, for entertainment purposes. Imagine a group with refined skills bent on deception for reasons other than entertainment! I believe we've only gotten better at deception and the tools haven't changed, the most modern sophisticated, technology available!

My favorite comic strip!
The double edged sword of modern media didn't clear the waters for finding the truth. Really, it only got worse, exponentially! I'm not really a Facebook guy but think about some of the strange things your friends and family post! These are you friends and family!?! It's no wonder you turn to network TV/Radio for your facts! Prepare for the inevitable Idiocracy! It might not turn as bad as we think, who knows!

I'll look for my truth on the beach!

On to Show #244! I recorded this show. I'm at the coast for the long weekend. It's funny that I keep forgetting to give a shout out to myself when I do that! This time I remembered! This show I went "Gardenerism" crazy again! Starts with a Grateful Dead themed set followed by, hard, easy, tough, simple, strange, and good songs. I end up with cars for a theme and finish with one "Redneck Friend"! Like I said in the show, you do 244 of these things and you'll do weird things eventually! In my mind it works! It probably will for you too!

Thanks Jerry and Robin for all your support! Now more than ever! It means the world to me!

Thanks to all of you listeners/readers for you support too! So many of you reach out to me and that is so kind! I'm thankful for all the true friends I have, both in life and the radio!

Peace and love!


Saturday, January 7, 2017

Show #243

Hello Friends of the Garden!

I'm loving it!
Being a Californian for these last several years has made me appreciate the variety of weather I've experienced in the other places I have lived. Fresno and the Central Valley do not have much in the way of variety when it comes to weather. It's pretty predictable here, six months of Summer, one month of Fall, four months of Winter and one month of Spring.

My spot on the deck
to enjoy the rain!
If you're a Pluviophile, like myself, then you are hard pressed to find that joy fulfilled! While the rain has caused me some distress at my coastal home, it is a greater source of comfort via it's therapeutic aspects. My desire to enjoy the calming characteristics of precipitation has driven me making a little spot on the deck to hole up in to personally witness it. Under my shade umbrella, which as titled is designed for protection from the Sun, has found it's true use as a refuge from the rain.

Required headwear in Portland!
I've been enjoying my fixation with my "weather girl" from the local news. In the doing so I've seen the volatile weather the rest of the nation endures. There's something to said for the mild conditions we are privileged to in Central California! For a short time I lived in Upstate New York. Their pattern for weather is very similar to our weather here, just turned upside down, six months of Winter, two months of Fall, two months of Spring, and two months of Summer. Like a lot of places around this country, you get a lot of one kind of weather!

All dressed up and nowhere to go!
Got the Jasmine trimmed
back before the rain came!
Rain pretty much resigns you to condition restricted activities. I can't see myself going to the beach today for my sea-glass hunting ritual. Thank goodness I got my yard work done yesterday because today is all about reading, thinking, looking out the window like a child, and enjoying the sound of the rain as it washes my mind of worries! Quiet, calm and contemplative is the order of the day and welcome! I think I'll have another cup of coffee and listen to the rain!

Here's Show #243! Once again I feel the playful side of me with the start of this show. You'll love the way I snuck in "Mr. Magoo" in the first set of classic rock. First timers this week include Bob Rivers and The Sacred Mushrooms. The Sacred Mushrooms come by way of a phone in request! There's lots of new and old here like always. The second hour starts with tasty and unique covers from Rosie Flores, The Bros. Comatose and Dwight Yoakam. I'm sure you'll enjoy them! I'm looking forward to the set with String Cheese Incident, Cross Canadian Ragweed, The Damn Quails and Michael Nesmith. They shouldn't go together but I think they do. You know how I get! Just some standard silliness!

Thank you Robin and Jerry for your unending support! I'm just gonna keep at it!

Thank you to all of you that read and/or listen to my show! I'm so glad you enjoy it when you can! Doing this blog and the radio show has been a very rewarding experience for me and through your interest and support I've discovered things about myself I never knew existed! Thanks!

Peace and love,
