Saturday, May 6, 2017

Show #260

Hello Friends of the Garden!

For those who really don't need
a reason to party!
This weekend I'm hosting a party at my house for an incredibly important new friend! So, the occasion requires something special! So, what would any self respecting naturalized Texan do for "Seis de Mayo"? The answer is so simple, brisket! It is a wonderful thing to see your friends marvel at your culinary expertise. Actually the reality usually comes with a question from your friends that know in the form of, "Hang on now, seriously, you made this?!" Nothing, prompts a smile from me more than when I surprise someone with my well concealed talents!

This guy looks like my buddy Jeff,
except this guy is way too calm!
I have come to realize that for a certain segment of society the preparation and cooking of brisket is nearly a religious event! The unwritten code by which all aspiring brisket cookers adhere to is simple! There are a multitude of ways people cook brisket accompanied by a dogmatic philosophy connected to that successful production! That latitude leaves only one ultimate evaluation! Is it good? If it ain't, then you screwed up! If it's good, say thanks, act natural and try like hell to remember what you did!

I use Shiner Bock in my mop
sauce, I won't say the rest!
Cooking brisket is not for the faint of heart! If you are averse to the notion of planning then this will be the showstopper! The time requirements demand organization! Choosing the brisket leads to concocting a special dry rub and applying it like a massage therapist. Then wait a day. When the day arrives to cook, well, like fishing, you have to get up early to get things started! I'm happy to report that I am prepared for my brisket induced sleep deprivation.

Six hours in, seven more to go!
Last time I had not thought far enough ahead to anticipate staying up to party with your buddies! I was so involved in the process (most likely a result of being averse to planning) that I had not foreseen shooters at midnight! How can stop when your feet say go! Well, hell, embrace your redneck ways and quit those days another day! Here's what you do! You savor every moment you can! You can sleep anytime! You only have so many opportunities to create lifetime memories! This time I'm as ready as ever! Except for all the little things I've overlooked!

I put the same amount of love into making my brisket as I do my radio show! By now you know my passion for the music I love and so desperately want to share. Well, brisket is to be shared, especially with as many good friends as you can gather! Spread the love, and spread the brisket!

Thanks, as always, Robin and Jerry! It's been so fun for me and I appreciate your encouragement!

Thanks to all you listeners too! Without all of you out there listening, well, what's the point! I can't express properly the humility I feel from your genuine appreciation for my efforts! Incredibly, this whole thing grows through all of you and our audience is growing! It is the love you show that makes you suggest my show to your friends! Keep on! Thanks!

Peace and love to you all!


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