Hello Friends of the Garden!
Clearly not enough people living in Harmony! |
There’s a reason I end my show the way I do each week. My
heart truly aches from the things I see and hear each day. I know my opinion of
the present state of the world is colored by a myriad of things. I choose what
I want to listen to, who I want to give credence to, what I see as acceptable,
what I believe to be objectionable so, yeah, I’m as open minded as I allow
myself to be. The more I think about it, the more I realize the futility of
what I have dedicated myself to in requesting for more harmony in the world.
All coach potatoes have more than just two eyes after a while! |
Let’s set aside the agreed notion of television news being depressingly
filled with horrible acts of violence. Add to that, for those few of you
that read an actual paper newspaper, that they do the same thing as TV just
slower and less graphic. The macro version of witnessing the discord in the
world is obvious in it’s intent and can be overcome by taking the time to
understand and research.
Divisive and intentionally irritating is good for ratings! |
Whether it’s Bill
Maher offending African Americans or it’s Sean
Hannity believing that the Democratic National Party had Seth Rich killed,
liberal or conservative, there’s no side that isn’t culpable. The lynch mob
mentality was equally parsed out for everyone, each girded by the possession of
the truth! I was amazed when I overheard someone at the pub say they were
taking off the morning of the James Comey testimony! Polarized by our own
biases, we
still hear what we want to hear, it’s maddening!
Divisive and intentionally irritating is good for ratings! |
What is far scarier is the micro version of disharmony that
I see at an endemic level. The polarizing of attitudes at the macro level
trickles down to the micro level. The possession of the truth has a built in
need for dissemination. Emboldened by being right, I’ve seen friends and family
torn apart. It makes me laugh to think you could be friends
in real life but not on Facebook, or vice versa!
Divisive and intentionally irritating! What?!? |
I’m a pretty sensitive guy. I don’t believe uniquely so, but
noticeably. This has led me to becoming a student of the human condition, only
at my own limited capability. Even in the supposed sanctity of my favorite watering
hole I’ve witnessed several instances of petty disagreements that have left
unnecessary scars. I’ve been guilty myself, numerous times regrettably, of the
righteous indignation that accompanied the possession of “my” truth.
This just makes me crazy! |
So, is it just a gesture that I petition for harmony each
week? Am I simply expressing a platitude to sound likable? Seriously, if we
can’t get along with friends and family then, how can we expect to get along
globally? As I write this I feel foolish! I can’t fix my friends or family or
my community or anything but me! I already know this! I just need to
continually remind myself lest I fall into the trap of judging others before I
judge myself!
So, I’ll continue to ask for more harmony in the world, but
now I know that I’ll focus on the work in progress that is me! I’m going to
keep my eyes open to the opportunities that come my way! I’ve got plenty to
work on myself. Now I can say that my request for more harmony in the world is
for my own encouragement more than anyone else!
Here’s Show #265! Lately I’ve been all over the place! This
week I worked in a couple of requests (keep ‘em coming Scooter). The first set
is all about dancing. There’s a “Gardenerism” right after! The whole second
hour is hilarious to me! The main feature in that second hour is the J.J. Voss
song (check the title on that one). I’ve got a Paul Thorn and a Jackie Greene
tune (they’ll both be in town soon).
This show may not swing as wide as the previous weeks but it is
different, just like it always is!
Thanks as always Jerry and Robin! We’re working our way to
Show #300! It’s out there on the horizon!
Thank you kind listeners and dear friends! Your patience is
most appreciated! I hope you appreciate the diversity that I try to provide to
you while consistently giving you a show that is familiar too. I hope I’m doing
this right!
Peace and love to you all!
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