Saturday, June 11, 2016

Show #213

Here's my first attempt so hang in there with me!

Hello Friends of the Garden!

I think many of you know I have a little house on the central coast of California. Buying that place so many years ago was the second smartest thing I've ever done in my life (obviously being married to my wonderful wife was #1)!

I'd like to say that we were visionaries and foresaw the "Tiny House" movement well before it's time. Truthfully, monetary constraints guided us much more than a desire to experience a minimalist lifestyle for it's simplicity. The simplicity occurred naturally given our economic status. That's fine, tiny or not, a little piece of heaven is still heaven!

When we first started going to the coast I used to think the drive was so far! Now, after 200 or more trips, it feels like a short commute. The drive goes by in little chunks that are so familiar! The landmarks pass by and before you know it, you're there!

It's funny when you recognize patterns in life! The school year is a lot like that drive to the coast, little familiar landmarks that pass by! It feels like during the school year my mind is totally consumed with getting the job done. It's a seemingly endless effort of trying to keep up, but it does end and it gets there mysteriously quick every time!

I think it's about being "full on" and then suddenly done that creates a strange dichotomy in my soul this time of year! My mind is so thankful to let go of one obligation for a brief time! A little breathing room has opened up and a sense of relief brings on a calmness. Feels good!

Here's a funny example of the convergence of irony and serendipity.  I had trouble with my iPhone and went to the Apple store on Friday. While waiting for help I got into a conversation with a nice lady seated across from me who was also waiting. She told me she needed to get home to her kids. I asked her if they had a half day on their last day of school. It was then she said she had to figure out what to do about her kids being at home all summer. I smiled and told her I was a middle school teacher and I was all done for this year and I was more than ready to turn them back over to their parents! Ah the gravity of supervision!  

Here's the deal with show #213! Since school is on my mind as well as every parent right now, please forgive my gratuitous playing of Alice Cooper. I think I'm playing my first Supertramp tune! I really like the Neil Young tune and that set features songs written by him. Besides Supertramp, Malcolm Holcombe and Sarah Elizabeth Campbell are also first timers on the SGP. Ooh, I really like the brand new The Sam Chase. I cover a couple of requests and sprinkle liberally with "Gardenerisms"! The whole show is mostly relaxed. It picks up here and there, but it's mostly easy (get it?)! Relax, I am!

Thank you Jerry and Robin! I hope anyone and everyone that reads this understands how I feel about your support! I feel it needs to be expressed every week! As time marches on, the importance of acknowledging my gratitude is imperative!

Thanks to all my listeners! So many of you are my friends and have been so supportive and encouraging! I truly enjoy writing this message and I understand if you can take or leave this part but I have gotten so much positive feedback that I can't see doing this any other way! I am so blessed by you, all of you, and you know who you are!

Peace, love and sunscreen!


  1. Nice new addition! Hope you get a lot of gardening in now that you are on vacation, Mike! Looks like a great line up. Looking forward to enjoying the show.

  2. Great show, really liking the new blogpost format. Alice Cooper and Supertramp on the Gardner, what a way to bring in the summer.

  3. I know it's not full on F*c*book (messing' with your mind) but, it's a start. Thanks John, you're a great friend!

  4. I like when you mentioned landmarks in our lives. So true!
