Saturday, April 22, 2017

Show #258 (5 Year Anniversary Show)

Hello Friends of the Garden!

Taken in Colorado on the way back
to Denver. This was 6 years before I
started at KFSR!
Well, here we are, Show #258! For two hours, once a week, for the last five years I've had the privilege of having a radio show! While the local signal strength may not be very strong, the streaming aspect has allowed me to connect with friends I've made all over the globe. Even better, my new friends locally, the ones that know me, and know my heart, have been able to witness (and hopefully enjoy too) yet another incredulous accomplishment!

A wallet I bought in Switzerland the
night  I saw Buddy Guy with Billy
Gibbons in Montreaux. He signed it year
later in a roadside cafe in Carson City!
Ask Scooter!
If you're someone I've had the opportunity to become friends with, you've probably heard some ridiculous stories. Strange things have happened to me, many of them have been witnessed by my friends and family. I suppose strange is relative. I mean it's only strange because it seems strange to me. Case in point, I never really thought I would ever have a radio show but, because of those friends that saw the potential, I do. It was strange to me but not to them!

Strange is one thing but, strange and linked to a dream is nothing short of astounding! Strange things happen to everyone (wait a second, if it happens to everyone wouldn't it be normal)! It's strange to me how more people see potential in me than I have ever given myself credit for. How can a person have aspirations while their strongest attribute is self deprecation!

The amazing Dons and shut your mouth!
You know the phrase, "A man must know his limitations!" (I'm not allotted enough space for that kind of thing here). Well, I believe more people than not doubt their own capabilities. The other self assured group are the ones many of us are in awe of! This is where friends have their greatest impact. The friends that know you well enough provide the encouragement and sometimes even the opportunity for you to try! My friends have shown me that I'm capable of many more things than I have limited myself to!

My beautiful wife Robin. Anniversary
on the Eiffel Tower! Love you Robin!
I'm taking this opportunity to acknowledge those friends now! First and foremost, my wife Robin, is the keystone, the lynch pin, the steadfast believer that has been there to pick me up and dust me off! Without her, everything loses its luster! She provides that initial charge and is always there when the batteries run low and are in need of recharge!

Me around the time I met Chris!
My old roommate, Chris, the Texas Connection got me started on this musical journey years ago! He was the initial spark! Thanks man!

The view at Ed' spread in Montana!
I owe so much to Ed Hull! He was the one who suggested to Don Priest that I would be a good candidate for a DJ. I really owe a double debt to Ed because he introduced me to Don Priest!

Don has been one of the best things to happen to me! Don has become an unbelievably important person in my life! He truly feels like the long lost big brother I never had! He has become a close friend that has helped me in so many different ways! Don has led me to much more than my radio show and probably even more if I listen to him! I can't say thanks enough!
The Hound Dog! Ahhh oooh!

Every week I thank Robin and Jerry, Robin for reasons mentioned above. Jerry has been and continues to be a person that has felt like another brother and a silent partner for my radio show. He's so much more than that though! Jerry truly is as excited for me as I am for myself! He gives his own time to promote my show every week! Hell, that's a real friend!
Not me or Jerry, but we took the picture!
Just don't end up like these guys at a
festival! Right Jerry?

This process of thanking people is so similar to putting together my anniversary show! You just can't thank everyone in the way they deserve, just like you can't cover all the songs you've played over the course of five years! There are a multitude of friends out there that deserve my thanks! The best I can offer is this, I appreciate your love and support and promise to try as hard as I can!

Here's what I can tell you about Show #258. First off, I have an extra hour in honor of my I've year anniversary  (thank you, The Local Show)! I tried to make this a good representation of standard artists and other strange things, you know, typical. There are certain songs I've chosen for certain friends. Jerry really helped me with the whole replay thing because he knows I want to be interesting and new. He told me, "If you get us to like it and you don't ever play it again, then what's the point?" Of course he's right! So, this show is three hours of pretty much what you expect and probably love or at least like by now! After I put things together, I noticed so many other bands that I did not put on the list! I figure, well hell, just do the best you can! I hope you'll agree with my notion of the show! I'm good to go baby!

Happy to be there! Thanks
for listening!
Hey, hey, Robin and Jerry! Ready to go another five? With you guys behind me and all our friends, I say why not? Seriously, thanks so much, really! I know this occasion is really insignificant to most people, but to me, it feels good to feel successful at something you enjoy! You two are instrumental in allowing me that feeling! How do you adequately thank that?

And wow! The broad net that has been cast out through the word of mouth network has resulted in getting to know some genuinely wonderful people! It is because you tell other people at one time or another about this show! And believe it or not it's growing! I had a chance to talk with the station manager, Julie Logan, who is such a kind person! She told me that our ratings have actually improved of late! I like to think I contribute to that growth with your help! Thanks so much!

Peace and Love and let's let this garden party grow!


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