Saturday, March 18, 2017

Show #253

Hello Friends of the Garden,

"I'm havin' pie for breakfast "
Well it's back to the fortress of solitude (translation: I'm back at the coast, on the deck, listening to KPIG). It is gray, misty morning and perfect for pie and coffee for breakfast (a wonderful, funny memory for me and Jerry, thanks man!). I love the way my day starts here at the coast! Set your clocks for "Island Standard Time" (i.e. I'll get to it when I get to it!) cause I'm slowing down!

The Brothers Comatose at HSB. Somewhere,
way back on the right, Jerry and the rest
of the posse are up and dancing in the
midday sun!
Well, we pulled off another Rogue Festival show! Now the memories are quickly becoming a fading image in rear view mirrors of our lives! It's always a melancholy feeling that follows an event that you truly enjoy and anticipate. I had so much fun performing with my friends but, it's nice to take your foot off the pedal and relax. Unfortunately, there's usually an emptiness after that makes you reflect. I'm learning how and what to fill that empty feeling with.

"How long have you been able to shine?"
It's not just the passing of the good times that leave a void in your feelings or soul or heart or mind; the bad times can leave an empty feeling too! Of course it's human nature to want to push away the painful times. I can't help but think of the movie, "The Shining", and how Mr. Halloran (Scatman Crothers) explains to Danny/Doc ( Danny Lloyd) about how things can linger, like the smell of burnt toast. The bad times can leave those hard smells like, feeling helpless, or feeling left behind, or without a way to ease the pain.

Insidious ancient Chinese secret!
The Chinese understood how things have natural opposition. I'm sure other people had noticed it before, but the Chinese took it to the next level with their notion of Yin and Yang. It seems that one can't exist without the other! Acknowledging and preparing for life's perpetual Yin and Yang softens out the road with all its' highs and lows.

I wish I had known Russell better!
It's been a year since my good buddy Jerry lost his son, Russell. My friend Jennifer just lost her husband Tyson. The close knit group of family friends of my wife are slowly falling by the wayside, most recently Tom. Anytime I think about the pain and sorrow each of these dear friends are experiencing I hurt vicariously and only get a smell of what it's like. It can be a sobering sensation!

I wish I had known Ty better!
He was so cool!
This is when the Yin gives way to the Yang, if you can be sensitive and perceptive enough. Even though it's been weeks since Jerry and I have sat down to a beer, I know we have created a bond that knows no time limit. Jennifer and I have reconnected in way that truly been the essence of mutual support, love and respect (Thanks Jen). And while I've had my own personal struggles, I've had a host, a veritable army, of friends rally to me.

I can't say it now but, I hate that whole, "it builds character" thing whenever you're faced with a challenging issue. If there was anything that we have a surplus of here on our planet Earth, it would be character! The assumption that that character would be for personal use only seems only natural. I realize now that it's not possessing "character", it's doing something with it!

Perfect time and place to
find perspective. Now it's
 time to find sea glass!
Try this! Next time you're hanging out with your buddies, just shut up for a little and see the Yin and Yang in your friends. Call it whatever you want. Take it down to a level beyond philosophy so you don't have to trip on nomenclature or origin. I believe you'll find out more about yourself by better knowing the people that influence your life. 

Ok, here's Show #253! First let me apologize in advance! Sometimes things get stuck in my head and they tumble and tumble around until I can put them away! I kept thinking about what direction I wanted to go with for Show #253. Direction is what I came up with, literally! In a full "Gardenerism" show (ask Jerry), I go from "North", to "South", to "East" and "West" in the first hour. The second hour I go "Up", "Down"," Left", "Right" and "All Around"! In and amongst all that there's some cool tunes in there! Like I said, sorry, simpleminded people do simpleminded things. It's still fun!

Thanks as always Jerry and Robin! The other day I was talking with some people at the bar. We were talking about a person that would advertise themselves as a life coach! We decided that the idea that someone that would claim to be able to fix your life regardless of circumstance was preposterous! You guys are good "life coaches"!

For all of you listeners and readers I have a challenge for you! Fundraising time is coming and we have done miserably the last few times! We could really use a shot in the arm! The smallest amount you can afford will make a difference, especially you streaming listeners! Imagine being able to say, "Yeah, I support this crazy guy in Fresno. I know weird huh? But this guy is different and I didn't give that much. He seemed happy so, really no big deal for me! I just felt good helping out!" Let that thought ruminate a while!

Peace and love to you all!


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