Saturday, October 15, 2016

Show #231

Hello Friends of the Garden!

This is so good!
Well, the plan was to go to the coast and check out the crazy Scarecrow Festival in Cambria. The event runs the entire month of October. People and businesses make paper-mâché scarecrows and place them in front of their homes and places of business. The whole thing has really grown over the years and more and more people are participating. Cambria is a very small town of mainly retirees and to see the level of enthusiasm is truly remarkable. 
My favorite Italian food
in Cambria!
Unfortunately, my son isn't feeling well and we decided it would be best to stay home. That's fine with me! I love my house in Fresno! I took the opportunity to go grab a "Happy Hour" beer and conversation with my buddies at the bar. Out of courtesy to my wife, I made certain that she was cool with it. I love my wife and I try to be considerate of her feelings. 

She knew I had a good week and gladly sent me on my way with orders to have fun! Earlier in the week I was "observed" by some people from San Francisco associated with a Bechtel grant. Even at 28 years of teaching these moments always fill me with anxiety and over analyzing! My kids were awesome! My lesson worked to perfection! Planets aligned and world peace seemed possible! Self-asteem confirmed, I finally relaxed! An icy cold mug of beer and a good laugh with friends are a couple of life's small rewards!
Not all of 'em just some!

I've never lived anywhere as long as I have the house I live in now! The first half of my life I lived a fairly nomadic lifestyle. Hard as that was, I'm thankful to have some comparisons to appreciate my present home. What I had not anticipated was finding a "bar" home! A regular watering hole had never even been a notion to me! A friend introduced me to a place in the Tower District and I can't believe that I've been going there over 20 years now!

This Friday I met up with a friend at the bar that listens to my show and he had a request for a song. He wanted to hear "I'm A Believer" by the Monkee's. I can do that I told him. Then my friend said, "You're not going to play some kind of funky country  cover of it are you?" I laughed and imagined what it would sound like and started using my accent to "countrify" it up! Then it became an ear worm! I couldn't get it out of my head! 

So many of my friends at the bar listen to my show. It's so funny when I walk up and while listening in on a conversation and a buddy will tell someone I haven't met to listen to my show. It's fun to listen to them describe it! It's like my "Home Court" there! I have so many genuine supporters there that have spread my show far better than I have! 

I had never anticipated the consequences of these new friendships from my "bar" friends! So many great things for me have come from going to that place! My radio show is the foremost example of the good things that have happened to me. Being embraced by a circle of truly talented people was/is a turning point in discovering some of my well hidden talents! 

Tiki carving! You never know
until you try!
Blindsided by the cloud of complacency that comes with being satisfied to dream rather than to act, discovering a creative outlet is an enlightening and comforting thing! Believe me that confidence was not fortified by the alcohol at the bar (well, maybe some) but, more by the people there! I have several coaches at the bar, each of them earnestly encouraging me to try! My life has been greatly influenced by these people in a good and healthy way (mostly)!

Go figure!

On to Show # 231! This show was easy to put together. My buddy Miguel asked for some Monkee's and then I went on a little trip down memory lane! The first two albums I ever bought as a kid was The Monkee's Best and Santana's first album. So, I kind of wind my way through things various and sundry from my past just for fun! There's great Curtis Mayfield followed by awesome Los Lobos with Bobby Womack! Filled with gems this show has classics sprinkled all through it! I think you'll enjoy the trip!

Jerry, (a friend from the bar, see above) get home safe partner and enjoy Orlando as much as you can! Hope to see you soon! Thanks to you Robin! You are and have always been the biggest believer in me! Each of you, in your own way are a well-spring of confidence for me, thanks!

Thanks to all of you that read this message and/or listen to the show! So many of you have know idea of the importance of the support and encouragement you give me so generously! I'm blessed by you!

Peace and love!

Attachments area

1 comment:

  1. Please countrify "I'm a Believer" to me the next time we see each other!
